Music, Mind and Body Program, Utrecht Conservatory
Contact info
Online Lessons
How to stay healthy in your profession
Questionnaire Lecture 4
Lecture 1: Empower your studies
Lecture 3: Mind and Body Teach Each Other
Practice Exercises Questionnaire Lecture 3: Mind and Body Teach Each Other
Content Questionnaire for replacement assignment Lecture 3
Lesson 1: Proprioception: Orientation, Navigation and Coordination
Lecture 4: Stress and Focus
Questionnaire Stress and Focus, Lecture 4
Mental Design, how to focus your mind
Focused walking
Focusing with Vision
Lecture 2 “Hearing Loss Prevention”
Lesson 3: Breaks, Sleep and Imagination
Lesson 2: Posture is movement
Lesson 4: Variation and Mastery
Lesson 5: The Power to Choose
Lesson 6: Musical Impulse
Music Mind and Body Program
MMB Basics Class Page
Re-examination/ Herkansing MMB Basics (OSB Musicians Health)
Personal Plan Paper for MMB Basics course
Masters Music, Mind and Body Seminar Class Page
Final Presentation and Paper Masters MMB seminar
Bachelors Music Mind and Body Seminar Class Page
What your instrument asks of you, class page
Final Presentation Film: “What your instrument asks of you”
Alexander Technique
To be written