Lecture 1: Empower your studies

“Empower your Studies”

This questionnaire has two parts with questions about:
• Service Desk Student Affairs/Servicebalie Studentenzaken
• Mind and Body Program

By doing the questionnaire, you will discover where you can find information on the Student Portal when you need it. The headings on this page in RED are direct links to the page you need. You will need to log on to the Student Portal the first time you click on a red heading.
You can read the pages on the Student Portal in Dutch or English by clicking on the language button at the top right of each page. You can answer the questions in Dutch or English.
Type your answers into a doc file on your computer. Put the (doc or pdf) file (with “your name + Lecture 1” as the title) in your folder on Project Campus in the MMB Basics Section. Deadline for handing in this questionnaire is one week after the lecture/seminar.

PART ONE: Service Desk Student Affairs/Servicebalie Studentenzaken
The support team that can help you during your studies.

1. Who is your Tutor at the conservatory and what is his or her name? (There are tutors for different departments) What do tutors do? When should you go and speak with them?
Tutor for Classical Music

Tutor for Jazz and Pop

Tutor for 3.0

Student Counsellor (Studentendecaan)
2. What does the Student Counsellor (Studentendecaan) do at the HKU?

3. How do you make an appointment with the Student Counsellor (Studentendecaan)? What are the names of the Student Counsellors? See the same link above.

Confidential Counsellors (Vertrouwenspersonen)
4. What do the Confidential Advisors (Vertrouwenspersonen) do? When do you go to see them? What are their names?

5. What do Coaches do? What are the names of the two Coaches at HKU?

Extra Help (Voorzieningen)
6. How do you arrange for extra help or services (aanvraag voorzieningen) during your studies when you have a learning or physical challenge or chronic illness?
Please note that if you also have a temporary injury or discomfort that affects your ability to study or practice, it is important to contact the Student Counselor (Studentendecaan) directly to discuss and register this. This will be crucial should you need extra time or help to complete your studies.

Self-help sources
7. Mirro is a series of self-help modules online that you can do on your own. What modules are offered on Mirro that appeal to you? Which module tells about your telephone?

8. How many Help Folders are there and where can I find the printed versions at the conservatorium? (Of course you can find them here online!)

Training and support groups
9. What is the Training “The art of going your own way?” When is this year the first workshop given? What happens there? https://studentportal.hku.nl/hulp-nodig/tools-en-training/trainingen/training-the-art-of-going-your-way/

10. What is the initiative “Iets eten / Let’s eat” and what happens at these sessions?

Code of Conduct (Gedragscode) HKU
HKU has a Code of Conduct (Gedragscode). Go to the summary page by clicking on the link. Choose your language.

11. What is the Code of Conduct for?

Now go down to the bottom of the page to the link to the pdf of the whole Code of Conduct (Gedragscode). This is a long document that you might want to read in full. For now, read the following sections:

12. Please read on page 3 the text under the heading “Professional Attitude” (Professionele Houding). Which points in this list are most important to you and why? Are there any in the list that you did not think about before?

13. Now read page 5, under the heading “What you can do?” (Wat kun je doen?). See the first tip there. What does it say you can do if you want to talk confidentially with someone about an uncomfortable situation in your studies? (You can also go first to your tutor about this of course.)

PART TWO: Mind and Body Program
Education to meet the challenges of being a musician

This year you are taking the first year course Music Mind and Body Basics. There are other options in the Mind and Body Program open to you after this course to continue to make your studies effective and comfortable.
Go to the Mind and Body Program menu and click on the blue balks to read about educational options and answer the questions. Again, click on the language button at the right top to choose Dutch or English. You can find this page again by looking on the page for your type of study: Bachelors, then
the subheading for your department (Classical Music, Jazz & Pop, Musician 3.0 or Historical Performance)

14. As part of our first year course, we have now started attending the seminar/lectures given by experts. When are the other Lectures and who is giving them? Please write these dates in your agenda!

Elective courses (Keuzevakken)

15. What topics are covered in the Mind and Body Seminar? Which aspects named in the description are of importance to you? Give an example from your own experience.

16. In the course What your instrument asks of you we work on meeting the specific challenges of playing your instrument (and singing)? Which specific version of this course is offered for your instrument?

We have a project each year that you can join, called the “Balance Project”. This is not listed on the page. This year it will be given from 8-11 April. If you are interested in this four-day project, you are welcome as a first year student to sign up later this year.
17. The question for now is: What do YOU think “balance” has to do with music making? What kind of balance would you like to develop?

Private lessons
18. What kind of individual lessons can you take and what topics are covered? You can take these lessons at any time during your studies. If you are interested in taking private lessons, who do you contact to get started? Read this description of the Alexander Technique.

19. What is ergonomics and what does it have to with music making? What kinds of ergonomic assistance can you get at the conservatory?

Online learning
At the bottom of the Mind and Body Program page you can see links to online learning. These are things used in classes and lessons, but also can be used on your own.
20. Flashcards: What do you find when you click on the “flashcard” heading and browse through a few of the headings? What do you see at the bottom of the flashcard page under “Students Demonstrate” and “Musicians Speak on Keeping Fit”?
21. Readings: Name a few of the titles of the short readings on this page. Which title might you like to read?
22. Artist in Balance Playlist:
Check out the headings on this page. What do you see under “Warm-up videos”? (“Focusing your mind videos” will be presented at a later lecture.)

Study plan/Office hour:
If you want to make an appointment for an office hour to discuss educational options in the Mind and Body Program throughout your studies, you can contact Criss Taylor: criss.taylor@hku.nl
Students also come to an office hour if they have questions about how to practice more effectively or comfortably, or how they can reduce stress.
23. Which physical and mental challenges do you face in your work as a musician? What are some methods that you use to face these challenges? What do you want to learn more about? What habits would you like to develop?
25. What aspects that you read about here, or heard about at the lecture, might be useful for you to learn more about in order to inform and empower your studies?

    NOTE: Please contact your tutor (or anyone on the Service Desk Student Affairs) if any of the information presented at the lecture/seminar or in this questionnaire has made you think about something that you want to discuss.